lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


This week's WORD OF THE WEEK is going to be a bit longer than usual to give you some more information, so you can learn how many uses can a single word have.


The word appeared last Wednesday in the First Certificate class, but this can be useful for all students.

FOOL (Noun):
1.- A stupid or silly person.
2.- A professional jester in the King's court. (See picture below)
FOOL (Verb):
1.- (Used with an object): to trick someone or make him or her believe something which is not true: We fooled him
To get some more of this meaning here's a song with an amazing video, QUEEN, You don't fool me.

2.- (Used without object): to act like a fool, to joke or to play.
3.- to fool around: to waste time: I fooled around all afternoon and I didn't study

4.- (Idiom): To be nobody's fool: To be intelligent.

FOOLISH (Adjective)

1.- Lacking caution or intelligence.

Well, thanks for reading, I hope you are no fools and remember this term next time you find it. Before we leave, I cannot help showing a man who became famous worldwide by saying the word "fool", and that's obviously Mr T.


martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Changes to FCE

This is a communication to all students willing to take the First Certificate in English, FCE (B2), as there are important changes coming up in January 2015. The PET students who also will to get the B2 certification will find this information valuable too.

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Fechas Exámenes Cambridge


 Aviso para todos los alumn@s que se estén preparando algún examen de Cambridge. Las fechas de todas las convocatorias hasta Diciembre 2013 ya están disponibles.

Los interesados pueden preguntar en clase o contactarnos a través de:

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Traditional stories!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears, by the British Council. Enjoy it!

Little Red Riding Hood, by CoolSchool.

...and finally, the Three Little Pigs!