lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


This week's WORD OF THE WEEK is going to be a bit longer than usual to give you some more information, so you can learn how many uses can a single word have.


The word appeared last Wednesday in the First Certificate class, but this can be useful for all students.

FOOL (Noun):
1.- A stupid or silly person.
2.- A professional jester in the King's court. (See picture below)
FOOL (Verb):
1.- (Used with an object): to trick someone or make him or her believe something which is not true: We fooled him
To get some more of this meaning here's a song with an amazing video, QUEEN, You don't fool me.

2.- (Used without object): to act like a fool, to joke or to play.
3.- to fool around: to waste time: I fooled around all afternoon and I didn't study

4.- (Idiom): To be nobody's fool: To be intelligent.

FOOLISH (Adjective)

1.- Lacking caution or intelligence.

Well, thanks for reading, I hope you are no fools and remember this term next time you find it. Before we leave, I cannot help showing a man who became famous worldwide by saying the word "fool", and that's obviously Mr T.


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